Lahaina, HI
5:54 am6:52 pm HST
Feels like: 73°F
Wind: 13mph NE
Humidity: 77%
Pressure: 30.02"Hg
UV index: 0
82°F / 70°F
81°F / 70°F
81°F / 70°F
81°F / 70°F
81°F / 70°F

Lahaina, Maui
Never ending Summer.

Maui weather can change dramatically as you travel around the island due to the mountains and Pacific Ocean! One of the perks of being located in Lahaina is that we are set on the leeward side of the West Maui Mountain Range, which often protects the ocean and beach from strong winds and rain when the rest of the island is experiencing stormy weather. This does make Lahaina one of the warmer locations on Maui, which is perfect for snorkeling or spending the day on the water!

What happens when the weather is less than ideal?

Our captains have been navigating Maui's ocean for 20+ years and use resources like NOAA and Passage Weather to help determine what the ocean conditions may be. We adhere to all Coast Guard warnings as safety is our top priority for guests and our crew.

Due to how quickly conditions can change, we find the most accurate weather predictions are within a 24 hour window and must be for the specific island location. If the weather is not cooperating and the tour has to be cancelled, we offer to reschedule or refund guests' tours.

Still have lahaina weather related questions?